Cie Hëin?
We are Company Hëin? ‘What?! Company who?’ you probably ask yourself. Do
you know this moment when you don’t understand a situation and this little
expression, which seams to show the peak of intelligence, finds its way out of
your mouth such as ‘hein?’ (French), ‘hä?’ (German), or ‘huh?’ (English). This is
us, we are a young contemporary juggling company, specialized in club
juggling (or balancing). We enjoy using absurdity and playfulness in our
creations and we like to use humor to express topics which are dear to our
Elise Morard

Elise is a French juggler
who studied in the preparatory of the CRAC (Lomme, France), in Flic (Turin, Italie) and in ACaPA (Tilburg, Netherlands).
She is a club juggler (or maybe just a club balancer...). She likes to create little stories on stage.
And the most important information about Elise : she has a plant addiction !
Nils Liedtke

Nils is a German juggler
who studied at ACaPA (Tilburg, Netherlands).
He is a club and ball juggler and likes to include movement and dance into his juggling. Using these tools he enjoys to create atmosphere or feeling on stage.
But the most important information about Nils : he is crisp addicted (often he buys two packets of crisps, one for him and one to share with the others ) !
Board of the association
Etienne Henry
Alexandra Raval