Cie Hëin?

...a 50 min performance by Luna Brejoux and Nils Liedtke
General Info
This project is a new collaboration in between the artist Luna Brejoux (France) and Nils Liedtke (Germany). Both artist met during their study at the Academy of Circus and Performance Art in Tilburg, Netherlands. The aim of this project is an artistic interdisciplinary creation around the glass bottle as circus and dramaturgical prop, using their disciplines, bottle walking (Tightwire) and object-manipulation (juggling) , as well as elements of theatre, dance and music to create a 50 minutes performance. To be performed in small theaters, bars and cafés but also in other places where performances usually don't happen

Artistic Content
In between punk vibes, broken glass and wine bottles ; Opaque invites the audience into a dialogue of two characters. They are beautiful through their contradictions, they are fragile, oversensitive, unsuitable, they are like teenagers, trying to find out who they are while dealing with a world that is aggressive to them.
They try to fit in.
The bottles are a representation of a constant violence and chaos around them, in between them, inside them. A chaos they try to explain to the audience meanwhile they are constantly dealing with it, adapting to it. Through tension, absurdity and laughter, this performance is showing their struggle to maintain a fragile balance with who they are and who they want to be.
Are they crazy or is the world around them crazy?
With this performance, we want to bring back the craziness and freedom of the punk circus from the 90s into the contemporary stage of today. What we aim for is an interdisciplinary performance mixing circus, theatre, dance, and live music which breaks the expectations of prettiness that we usually find in a circus show, highlighting the beauty of what is usually considered as ugly or next to the point. Our approach is a re-appropriation of the circus codes and its aesthetics towards a circus that is plural, sensitive and impactful.

Technical Information
Disciplines: Interdisciplinary, Juggling, Bottle walking
Duration: 50 min
Performers: 2
Props: 30 (Glass-)Bottles, Guitar, Microphone, Loopstation, 2 Tables, 2 Chairs.
Space: min. 5x5 meters with 4m height, flat floor.
Sound: Sound system according the room size
Lights: basic lights
Trailer: Project Opaque